Isabel and Her Colores Go to School

Alexandra Alessandri, Courtney Dawson

Book cover for Isabel and Her Colores Go to School
Book cover for Isabel and Her Colores Go to School

Isabel and Her Colores Go to School

Isabel and Her Colores Go to School

Alexandra Alessandri, Courtney Dawson

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English, with its blustery blues and whites, just feels wrong to Isabel. She prefers the warm oranges and pinks of Spanish. As she prepares for class at a new school, she knows she's going to have to learn--and she would rather not! Her first day is uncomfortable, until she discovers there's more than one way to communicate with friends. This is a universal story about feeling new and making new friends.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Pub date: 2021-07-15
Length: 40 pages

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