Good to Great (Spanish Edition)

Jim Collins

Book cover for Good to Great (Spanish Edition)
Book cover for Good to Great (Spanish Edition)

Good to Great (Spanish Edition)

Good to Great (Spanish Edition)

Jim Collins

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Referenciado como uno de los diez mejores libros sobre gestión empresarial, "Good to Great" nos ofrece todo un conjunto de directrices y paradigmas que debe adoptar cualquier empresa que pretenda diferenciarse de las demás. Después de revisar montañas de datos, de hacer miles de entrevistas y de utilizar rigurosas herramientas de comparación, Jim Collins y su equipo de investigación identificaron los determinantes clave de la excelencia en un conjunto de empresas de élite que dieron el salto hasta conseguir unos resultados extraordinarios y sostenibles. // Reference as one of the ten best books on business management, Good to Great offers us a whole set of guidelines and paradigms that should be adopted by any company seeking to differentiate itself from others. After reviewing mountains of data, conducting thousands of interviews, and using rigorous comparison tools, Collins and his research team identified the key drivers of excellence in an elite set of companies that made the leap to achieve extraordinary and sustainable results for at least fifteen years. How extraordinary? After driving the change, the companies that went from good to extraordinary generated accumulated stock market returns over fifteen years that were on average seven times higher than the general market and twice as good as the results obtained by the world's leading composite index of companies such as Coca-Cola, Intel, General Electric and Merck.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Reverte Management (Rem)
Pub date: 2021-05-18
Length: 416 pages

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