Everything Is Mama

Jimmy Fallon, Miguel Ordóñez

Book cover for Everything Is Mama
Book cover for Everything Is Mama
Book cover for Everything Is Mama
Book cover for Everything Is Mama

Everything Is Mama

Everything Is Mama

Jimmy Fallon, Miguel Ordóñez

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#1 New York Times Bestseller!

Jimmy Fallon, one of the most popular entertainers in the world and NBC's Tonight Show host, was on a mission with his first children's book to have every baby's first word be DADA. And it worked! A lot of babies' first words were DADA.

However, everything after that was MAMA.

Everything is . . .


So take a lighthearted look at the world from your baby's point of view as different animals try to teach their children that there are other words in addition to MAMA for familiar objects and activities.

About the Author

Jimmy Fallon lives in New York City with his wife, Nancy, and their two daughters, Winnie and Franny. He received glowing reviews for Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA, but when he looked around his house and realized everything was MAMA, he went back to work. If you have a three-year-old, they'll love the pictures. And if you have a one-year-old, they'll love how it tastes.

Miguel Ordóñez illustrated Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada, which was honored by the Society of Illustrators. He lives in Madrid with his wife Lucia and their two daughters, Carla and Vera. Carla and Vera's first word was Mama.

Critical Reviews

Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA:

"A punchy and deceptively simple story that will make for some fun readalouds." --Publishers Weekly

"Children of all ages can glean knowledge and enjoyment from this book." --Children's Literature

Publishing Information

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Pub date: 2019-01-08
Length: 32 pages

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