The Gnostic Luciferian New Age Babylon Revisited

Gregory Lessing Garrett

Book cover for The Gnostic Luciferian New Age Babylon Revisited
Book cover for The Gnostic Luciferian New Age Babylon Revisited

The Gnostic Luciferian New Age Babylon Revisited

The Gnostic Luciferian New Age Babylon Revisited

Gregory Lessing Garrett

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The Gnostic Luciferian New Age "Utopia" will be based upon a Mystery Babylon re-visitation of tolerance for all behaviors narcissistically self-indulgent, sexually perverse, psychoactively induced, and sinfully decadent, with self-worship and self-adulation as the highest pinnacle of religious zeal. Additionally, utilizing the trickery and artifice of an Alien Antichrist Messiah Deception, the Luciferian Elite seek to obliterate Christianity and replace it with a Gnostic Pantheistic Cosmogenesis narrative, where Ancient Aliens are our true genetic origins, and Cosmic Evolution, with Mankind in tow, is the Grand Design of the Universe. Since this is a very real situation which effects all the world in the direst sort of way, the contents of this book are relevant to all citizens of the world. This book bravely explores the various guises that this repackaged Babylonian Gnostic Luciferianism has taken and how it got to this point, as well as offers answers to this nefarious situation.

Publishing Information

Pub date: 2019-09-30
Length: 660 pages

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